5 ways to break out of your boring coffee habits

5 ways to break out of your boring coffee habits

Get up. Have shower. Get dressed.

Make coffee.


We all have a morning routine during the week, and yours might include elements of ours, like chasing after two young kids, and occasionally suffering the extreme pain of stepping on Lego…


The 'New Normal'


Coming to the end of the year makes us all reflective about the way our new ‘normal’ has shifted. What old habits did you break, and what new ones are you thinking about for 2021?


This year, people started drinking way more home brewed coffee than usual due to the global pandemic – in fact, Aussies in lockdown really went for it when cafes closed down!


You might be one of the households under 35 years old without children who really increased their dollars on coffee beans, or the 35+ years old with kids who actually needed that caffeine!


Regardless of who you are, here are 5 ideas on how to break out of your boring coffee habits and zest up your holiday season to round off the year!


1. Go on tour with a Perth Coffee Tasting Box!


Think about your favourite coffee beans. Now, think – how on earth did you end up buying that, week in, week out?

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